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Why you should learn
NLP & Hypnosis
with NLP Bandler Academy ?

Inefficency of techniques taught by other institutes

Growing up, you may have played a game called "telephone".

This game passes along a message from the first person in line to the fifth one.

The message changes from person to person who gives it down the line

until that message bears little semblance of the original

as it is delivered to the last person.


Why is that game important to you?


All other NLP or Ericksonian institutes are passing down a message created by Dr. Richard Bandler and Milton Erickson’s disciples more than 50 years ago. But nowadays, the message is not between 5 people but hundreds of them. That is why every day, I see people applying NLP or hypnosis techniques that don’t work.


My training is made of unaltered and genuine techniques that were taught to me

by Richard Bandler and by other disciples of Milton Erickson and Palo Alto School.

Therefore I can teach you the pure NLP and also pure Ericksonian techniques.

Live training

Some institutes will try to convince you that Virtual learning is a substitute for live training…


Really ?


  • Why can you not become a licensed aircraft pilot by only training on a
    simulator ?

  • Why can you not become a doctor without going through residency ? Treating patients under the watchful eye of a practicing Physician ?


I can mention at least 50 techniques that can’t be taught online. Virtual learning is not training. It is teaching. You can gain helpful information which does not fulfill the most critical steps. Having a "Licensed Trainer" helping you in person provides real-time feedback in a real-world situation, is the best decision that you can made, don’t you think so ? I have decided to benefit of live training and it is one of the best decision I ever made.

Your money and, more importantly, your skills

and future are on the line. Choose wisely !

Your training path :

Level 1


in NLP and Hypnosis

9 days

Level 2

Master Practitioner

in NLP and Hypnosis

10 days

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