Terms of Sales
Trainer: Franck Bleines.
Client: this is the Trainer's co-contractor, he or she can be an individual or a company.
Registration details
The registration concerns training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Ericksonian hypnosis, which will take place in United Arab Emirates. The dates are mentioned on the
site : www.nlp-bandler-academy.com.
This training is not a therapy and cannot be considered as such.
When registering, the Client declares that, to his knowledge, do not suffer from any illness or incapacity that could prevent him from correctly following the training.
The Client also acknowledges that, in particular for the comfort of the training group, the Trainer reserves the right to refuse without justification, any request for registration for this training.
The Client acknowledges he may be dismissed from all or part of the training, without any right to reimbursement, if he or she disrupts the training or lacks respect towards the Trainer and/or other trainees, as well as for all educational reasons, of which the Trainer is the sole judge.
The Client acknowledges that he or she may be the subject of videos or photos during training, and accepts that the Trainer uses the videos/photos on his website and social networks without indicating the Client's name.
For NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner trainings :
The Client undertakes to sign the license contract before the start of the training, the content of which is specified in this same document.
At the end of this training, the Client will receive a certificate signed by Dr. Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP, if he has participated in the entire training and has met the required level, decided by the Trainer.
Terms of Payment
Prices are mentioned on the internet site.
The registration price includes the training and the delivery of 2 certificates validating this training (if the Client has met the required level) and lunch meal, drinks and snacks during breaks. Other costs, in particular accommodation, transport or catering costs, are the responsibility of the Client.
If there are still places available, registrations will be taken up to 2 days before the start of training;
When the maximum number of trainees has been reached, the Trainer will indicate this to the Client who will have the choice between a full refund of the amount already paid or another training date.
Registration is only validated after payment of the amount due upon reservation and the information required in the registration form.
From registration, the Client has 14 days to withdraw from the date of registration (date of registration is the date that payment has been made by the Client). He informs the Trainer by email (fb@nlp-bandler-academy.com), and the amount paid will be refunded in full.
Cancellation terms by the Customer
In the event of cancellation by the Client more than 30 days before the start of the training, 50% of the amount paid will be refunded to the Client;
Cancellation will not give rise to any refund if it is made less than 30 days before the start of the training. .
In the event of duly recognized force majeure, the entire amount paid will be refunded to the Customer.
Cancellation terms by the Trainer
The Trainer reserves the right to cancel training, in particular for educational reasons or because the number of trainees is too low. In this case, the amounts paid will be fully refunded.
Responsibility of the Trainer
The Trainer has the full choice of how the training will be delivered.
The Trainer undertakes to carry out the training with all the care and skills at his disposal and within the framework of an obligation of means. The Trainer's liability can only be incurred in the event of proven and exclusive fault. The Trainer is not responsible for the Client's personal objects and effects nor for damage caused to his equipment. The Trainer cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any damage, material or immaterial, consequential or not, caused directly or indirectly by the services provided, such as commercial or financial damage, loss of customers, loss of brand image, loss of profit, loss of order, commercial disruption of any kind, loss or total or partial destruction of the Client's data or files, as well as any action emanating from third parties. Without prejudice to the above, the liability of the Trainer, in the event that it is brought into play for the training services, is expressly limited to the price actually paid by the Client for the training service concerned.
License agreement (only for NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner trainings)
To benefit from the NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner certificate signed by Dr. Richard Bandler, the Trainee must sign, before the start of the training, a license contract with Richard Bandler and John La Valle. This contract is free and determines the use of logos and names, including Richard Bandler, the “Society of NLP” and all other names that have been registered by Richard Bandler and John La Valle.
Registration for this training implies knowledge and acceptance of these conditions.